Wednesday, August 12, 2015

New prints for my new clients. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A poster created by my friends Rafael Machado and Ivan Arredondo. The Concept was created by myself.

The Explorers a concept that I began in 2006 when I was a senior in high school. My friends and I created a small demo reel for a competition in 2012.

My 2010 Demo Reel

New posters that were requested by my clients.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Completed Navy Corsair.

Pistol Model

Some Posters I created for sale on my Etsy Account.

Some Poster's I created for my Freelance job which included recoloring a children's book.

Personal Work- Drawings, Paintings, Concepts.

Drawings- For my Students

I work with Elementary Kids often so here are some of the drawings I do for them while they work in class. 

Sketches-Doodles 2014-2015

These are some sketches, coloring's and doodles that I have drawn int he past couple of  years.